Van Gogh
Van Gogh often painted scenes from the world around him. But rather than depicting reality, he drew inspiration, largely from his imagination and memory. He wrote about his fascination with the night sky stating, it often seems to me that the night is much more alive and richly colored than the day. Curator Ann Temkin, “what’s remarkable of ‘The Starry Night’ is the depiction of the sky itself. We have an intensely turbulent, vibrant, excited, agitated night sky. The stars have radiating concentric rings of light. The moon has the same set of rings around it. And also they're set in the sky, which is not like the sky that we look up into at night. But one in which the various blues that Van Gogh uses, are positioned into these swirling patterns. The village below is Saint-Remy in the south of France. Van Gogh spent a year in a mental hospital there, making more than 150 paintings depicting the hospital grounds and surrounding landscape. And I think that one would be able to speculate, rather than being a portrait of what one might see looking at a night sky in the summer of 1889. It's much more an expression of the turmoil in the artist's own imagination that he's projecting on to that sky. Chances are you aren't standing in front of this painting alone. You're probably surrounded by quite a few people also looking at it. And I think with this painting one realizes that part of the reason for its status as such a treasure and the way it's beloved by so many people has to do with Van Gogh's way of touching one's emotions.
梵谷(Van Gogh)經常畫下周圍景物,且多以想像和記憶為靈感作畫,而非寫實描繪。他也曾寫下對星夜的著迷,在我看來,夜晚比白天更加生氣蓬勃、色彩豐富。紐約現代藝術博物館館長(The Museum of Modern Art)安˙坦金(Ann Temkin)說:「《星夜》的特色在於表現天空的手法。畫作中激盪的夜空充滿生氣、雀躍但有一絲不安。星星所綻放之光芒以同心圓旋轉方式呈現,而月亮也採用此一手法。星夜的繪畫方式和我們平常所見有所不同,梵谷利用深淺不一的藍色顏料,繪製出漩渦式的圖樣。」圖中下方是南法聖雷米村(Saint-Remy)。梵谷曾在當地精神療養院住了一年,在這期間,他畫了一百五十幅以上院中庭園及附近風景。「我可以推測,這幅畫並不是描繪1889年人們所見的夏天夜空。」他將躁亂不安的想像投射在《星夜》這幅畫中。或許,現在的你並不是獨自站在「星空」前,你會發現身旁也圍繞著許多人正在欣賞此畫。我想,此畫之所以令人珍視與喜愛,全是因為梵谷能觸動人心的畫作手法。