Warhol: Immortal



     When: 1 Jun – 25 Aug 2013

     Where: Visa Platinum Gallery, Level 4

 Cost: Admission charges apply

 Type: Arts

   時間: 2013年1月1日~8月25日

 地點: Visa 白金藝廊 四樓



        Andy Warhol (1928–87) was a founder of pop art and one of the 20th century’s most defining artists. He changed the way we look at ourselves and each other. He blurred the boundaries between the artificial and the real, the commercial and the cultural, the noteworthy and the trite. Warhol: Immortal celebrates his enduring influence.

安迪˙沃荷(Andy Warhol, 1928-87)是普普藝術先驅,也是20世紀中最具代表性藝術家之一。他改變了我們看自己及他人的方式,也模糊了虛偽和真實、商業及文化、高雅與通俗的界線。「沃荷:不朽傳奇」頌揚其深遠影響。

        More than anything else, Warhol was obsessed with people. His preoccupation is perhaps even more pertinent today, in an era of intense social networking, reality TV, and YouTube. His past words take on a prophetic status: ‘In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes.


        The exhibition features Warhol’s portraits of friends, celebrities, socialites, politicians, and rock stars across multiple media – paintings, MTV videos, experimental films, screen prints, drawings, and magazine covers. Among them are the flamboyant, repetitive portraits that made him most famous. As he once said: ‘Isn't life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?






                    普普風作品  一系列的瑪麗蓮夢露

        Startling self-portraits from a 40-year period show the persona of Andy Warhol developing over time, until close to his death in 1987. He immortalized himself as much others – on canvas if not elsewhere. He once mused about being ‘reincarnated as a great big ring on Liz Taylor’s finger’ and another time quipped: ‘I never think that people die. They just go to department stores.


           下載 (1).jpg 下載 (2).jpg 下載.jpg  


Te Papa has worked with the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh to present this exhibition to New Zealand audiences.

Te Papa thanks our sponsors Visa and Wellington City Council for their support of our presentation of the Warhol: Immortal exhibition.

蒂帕帕國立博物館(Te Papa)與匹茲堡安迪‧沃荷美術館(Andy Warhol Museum) 合作,為紐西蘭民眾舉辦此展覽。

蒂帕帕國立博物館感謝贊助商Visa和威靈頓市議會(Wellington City Council)協助沃荷:不朽傳奇

      Information resource:  http://www.tepapa.govt.nz/WhatsOn/exhibitions/Page...

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