



          The establishment of Buddhism in China had a significant impact on cross-cultural interactions across the Asian continent. As Buddhist doctrines spread from China to Korea and Japan, almost the whole of Asia, from Iran to Japan, became connected through Buddhist networks of exchange. These networks, overland and maristime, featured not only missionary and pilgrimage activities related to Buddhism but also the transmission of artistic and scientific ideas, mercantile exchanges, and the spread of various cultural elements such as music, dance, and art. These Buddhist networks were instrumental in connecting China to other societies in Asia and in fostering religious, economic, and cultural exchanges with them.


       The overland networks of Buddhism linked the Buddhist sacred sites in southern Asia to China through Central Asia and after the fifth century incorporated Korea and Japan. Merchants and Buddhist monks belonging to various ethnic groups traveled through these networks to either trade commodities or proselytize the teachings of the Buddha. These pathways, popularly known as the Silk Road, witnessed the development of a number of oasis states that became important centers of Buddhism. Khotan, on the southern rim of the Taklamakan Desert, and Kucha, on the northern rim, for example, facilitated Buddhist interactions between China and southern Asia. Dunhuang, another oasis center east of the Taklamakan, became a hub for the Buddhist faithful coming from China and southern Asia.

       It is now renowned for its stunning painted Buddhist caves and the discovery of Buddhist manuscripts in different Asian languages. Dunhuang exemplified the multicultural nature of the transmission of Buddhism and cross-cultural interactions between China and the rest of Asia that took place through Buddhism. There were Chinese clergy and Buddhist novices who learned the teachings of the Buddha, South and Central Asian missionaries who took up residence at the site, and Sogdian merchants, from the Central Asian country of Sogdiana, who formed their guild at this place.

    佛教陸路網絡自聖地南亞至中國,橫跨中亞,又於西元五世紀後傳入韓國及日本。不同種族的商人及僧侶,旅居網絡各處進行貿易及宣揚佛法。此類路線,即眾所熟知的絲路,見證了無數綠洲國家蛻變為佛教重鎮,譬如,塔克拉瑪干沙漠(Taklamakan Desert)南北邊際-于闐(Khotan)和龜茲(Kucha),促進中國與南亞佛教徒間交流,位於沙漠東邊另一綠洲-敦煌(Dunhuang),則成兩地佛教聚集地。



Figure 4.3 Sogdians depicted on a Chinese stele.


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